Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Alternative Sources Of Alternative Energy Sources

Rough Draft: Alternative Energy Sources Imagine a world where sea levels have risen, a world where extreme weather happens more often and with more intensity, and a world that has very few species of animals left due to mass extinctions. (Environmental Protection Agency) But that future is still avoidable. The answer is renewable energy sources. Alternative energy sources are sources of energy that does not use fossil fuels, and generally are clean and renewable. (Jessa) Some examples include solar, wind and hydroelectric. The overall health of human and animal life due to less pollution in the air, the fact that alternative energy sources are renewable, and the job and salary growth for the economy means renewable energy sources can replace fossil fuels, even though opponents say that they are unreliable and expensive to implement. One of the economic benefits of alternative energy is that it creates jobs. In a time where jobs are hard to find, alternative energy can create the jobs the economy needs. Farmers especially can benefit. According to the American Wind Energy Association, â€Å"wind projects located on privately owned farmland†¦ have increased individual farmers’ income by as much as tens of thousand of dollars annually†. (AWEA) When income increases, the economy can benefit. This is especially important for countries like South Africa, that needs jobs to develop the country. In one case, a solar power plant is said to â€Å"have a powerful economic impact on the country,Show MoreRelatedAlternative Sources Of Alternative Energy Sources1704 Words   |  7 PagesAlternative Energy Sources Air pollution, resulting from the burning of fossil fuels, amounts for about 7 million deaths each year. On average, 1 in 8 deaths are caused by some type of air pollution. Fossil fuels are burned every day to keep the world functioning but are accompanied by tremendous amounts of pollution. The world needs energy sources that are as effective as fossil fuels but that come with less harmful pollutants than fossil fuels do. An effort must be made to pull away fromRead MoreAlternative Sources Of Alternative Energy Sources2141 Words   |  9 PagesWhat are alternative energy sources? Alternative energy sources are forms of energy that use natural resources to produce energy. There are three main alternative energy sources that can be used in the place of fossil fuels, which are Nuclear, Solar, Wind, and Hydroelectric. Fossil fuels such as coal, oil, and gas are decreasing and eventually will run out. Usage of fossil fuels cause harm to the environment by producing greenhouse gasses. Alternative energy sources are not harmful to the environmentRead MoreAlternative Sources Of Alternative Energy Sources2142 Words   |  9 PagesWhat are alternative energy sources ? Alternative energy sources are forms of energy that use natural resources to produce energy. There are three main alternative energy sources that can be used in the place of fossil fuels, which are Nuclear, Solar, Wind, and Hydroelectric. Fossil fuels such as coal, oil, and gas are decreasing and eventually will run out. Usage of fossil fuels cause harm to the environment by producing greenhouse gasses. Alternative energy sources are not harmful to the environmentRead MoreSources Of Alternative Energy Sources926 Words   |  4 PagesAlternate Energy Sources Alternative energy sources are becoming more and more popular. The most important alternative energy sources are solar, wind, geothermal, biomass, ocean, and hydropower energies. Their main advantage lies in the resumption of energy resources. This paper will give information about each of sources as well as their advantages and disadvantages. Solar energy The Sun is a leading environmentally clean energy source. The process of generating electricity from sunlight has beenRead MoreAlternative Sources Of Energy Sources2415 Words   |  10 Pages Abstract This report is on Alternative Energy Sources of Nuclear, Solar, Wind, and Hydroelectric energies. It is an exploration of why are they termed â€Å"non-renewable. â€Å"Additionally, I will address the questions for each of the four type’s nuclear, solar, wind, and hydroelectric, how is it generated and what technology is required. I will also explore the advantages and disadvantages to the use of alternative sources as energy sources. Finally, I will address the specific environmental impactsRead MoreAlternative Sources Of Alternative Energy3097 Words   |  13 Pages Alternative Energy by Gage R. Shots University of Southern Indiana Global Economic Issues 241 Section 003 Prof. Daria Sevastianova Due December 8, 2014 Alternative Energy Alternative energy is imperative to the continuation and advancement of the world. There will come a time where the unsustainable resources we use to power every aspect of our lives will cease to exist, or become uneconomical. In the same way, the pollutants given off by using these energy materials are believedRead MoreAlternative Energy Sources1852 Words   |  7 Pagesmajor problem. This problem is the need for alternative energy sources which can be converted into electricity because the main energy source currently used is coal and the coal deposits will not last forever. The main alternative energy sources that many countries are currently researching are wind, solar, hydro and nuclear. But there is currently another source of energy that is heavily debated to see whether the pros outweigh the cons. This energy source is natural gas. The main reason for the heavyRead MoreAlternative Energy Sources894 Words   |  4 PagesAlternative Energy Sources â€Å"In United States around half of million deaths each year are attributed to air pollution. It is estimated that air pollution each day kills three people in the city of Hong Kong. Air pollution also contributes to soil and water pollution. More than 15,000 people in the world die each day because of water pollution† ( With these statistics, it is no wonder people are coming up with alternative energy sources. From energy to gasoline, there are manyRead MoreThe Alternative Source Of Energy1578 Words   |  7 PagesAlternative Source of Energy Over the past years, scientist began thinking deeper into the possibilities for energy that is renewable. They mostly looked into the sun as there number one source, the wind and other renewable options. Indeed, the sun for many years has provided heat for the earth whereby the energy it produces warms the earth directly and also indirectly. By so doing the heat makes water to evaporate lakes and other water sources like rivers and streams that eventually falls back toRead MoreEnergy Sources For Alternative Energy930 Words   |  4 Pagesto create diverse methods of generating powerful, dependable energy sources that do not have negative repercussions on our environment. Alternative energy refers to sources that do not create undesired consequences, such as fossil fuels do (Alternative Energy 2015). Not only are emissions from fossil fuels concerning, but also these resources are not going to be available for our use forever, making changes for alternative energy sources a pressing topic of discussion. British Petroleum and Royal Alternative Sources Of Alternative Energy Sources Alternative Energy Sources Air pollution, resulting from the burning of fossil fuels, amounts for about 7 million deaths each year. On average, 1 in 8 deaths are caused by some type of air pollution. Fossil fuels are burned every day to keep the world functioning but are accompanied by tremendous amounts of pollution. The world needs energy sources that are as effective as fossil fuels but that come with less harmful pollutants than fossil fuels do. An effort must be made to pull away from harmful fossil fuels and to switch over to cleaner energy sources such as solar power, wind power, and geothermal power. Switching over to cleaner energy is very important because of the eminent threat of global warming that lurks just around the corner. If humans are not careful, they will damage the environment and the atmosphere to a point beyond repair. Major factories and cities can begin to convert to cleaner energy sources and cut back on pollution tremendously. They can do this by h arnessing energy from the sun, utilizing frequent gusts of wind, and by tapping into the heat of the Earth’s core. Fossil fuels such as coal, oil, and natural gas account for roughly 85 percent of total energy that is used in the United States. All three of these fossil fuels release harmful gases such as carbon dioxide and monoxide, sulfur oxides, nitrogen oxides, and hydrocarbons into our atmosphere. The Union of Concerned Scientists explain how these gases are trapped in the Earth’sShow MoreRelatedAlternative Sources Of Alternative Energy Sources1123 Words   |  5 PagesRough Draft: Alternative Energy Sources Imagine a world where sea levels have risen, a world where extreme weather happens more often and with more intensity, and a world that has very few species of animals left due to mass extinctions. (Environmental Protection Agency) But that future is still avoidable. The answer is renewable energy sources. Alternative energy sources are sources of energy that does not use fossil fuels, and generally are clean and renewable. (Jessa) Some examples include solarRead MoreAlternative Sources Of Alternative Energy Sources2141 Words   |  9 PagesWhat are alternative energy sources? Alternative energy sources are forms of energy that use natural resources to produce energy. There are three main alternative energy sources that can be used in the place of fossil fuels, which are Nuclear, Solar, Wind, and Hydroelectric. Fossil fuels such as coal, oil, and gas are decreasing and eventually will run out. Usage of fossil fuels cause harm to the environment by producing greenhouse gasses. Alternative energy sources are not harmful to the environmentRead MoreAlternative Sources Of Alternative Energy Sources2142 Words   |  9 PagesWhat are alternative energy sources ? Alternative energy sources are forms of energy that use natural resources to produce energy. There are three main alternative energy sources that can be used in the place of fossil fuels, which are Nuclear, Solar, Wind, and Hydroelectric. Fossil fuels such as coal, oil, and gas are decreasing and eventually will run out. Usage of fossil fuels cause harm to the environment by producing greenhouse gasses. Alternative energy sources are not harmful to the environmentRead MoreSources Of Alternative Energy Sources926 Words   |  4 PagesAlternate Energy Sources Alternative energy sources are becoming more and more popular. The most important alternative energy sources are solar, wind, geothermal, biomass, ocean, and hydropower energies. Their main advantage lies in the resumption of energy resources. This paper will give information about each of sources as well as their advantages and disadvantages. Solar energy The Sun is a leading environmentally clean energy source. The process of generating electricity from sunlight has beenRead MoreAlternative Sources Of Energy Sources2415 Words   |  10 Pages Abstract This report is on Alternative Energy Sources of Nuclear, Solar, Wind, and Hydroelectric energies. It is an exploration of why are they termed â€Å"non-renewable. â€Å"Additionally, I will address the questions for each of the four type’s nuclear, solar, wind, and hydroelectric, how is it generated and what technology is required. I will also explore the advantages and disadvantages to the use of alternative sources as energy sources. Finally, I will address the specific environmental impactsRead MoreAlternative Sources Of Alternative Energy3097 Words   |  13 Pages Alternative Energy by Gage R. Shots University of Southern Indiana Global Economic Issues 241 Section 003 Prof. Daria Sevastianova Due December 8, 2014 Alternative Energy Alternative energy is imperative to the continuation and advancement of the world. There will come a time where the unsustainable resources we use to power every aspect of our lives will cease to exist, or become uneconomical. In the same way, the pollutants given off by using these energy materials are believedRead MoreAlternative Energy Sources1852 Words   |  7 Pagesmajor problem. This problem is the need for alternative energy sources which can be converted into electricity because the main energy source currently used is coal and the coal deposits will not last forever. The main alternative energy sources that many countries are currently researching are wind, solar, hydro and nuclear. But there is currently another source of energy that is heavily debated to see whether the pros outweigh the cons. This energy source is natural gas. The main reason for the heavyRead MoreAlternative Energy Sources894 Words   |  4 PagesAlternative Energy Sources â€Å"In United States around half of million deaths each year are attributed to air pollution. It is estimated that air pollution each day kills three people in the city of Hong Kong. Air pollution also contributes to soil and water pollution. More than 15,000 people in the world die each day because of water pollution† ( With these statistics, it is no wonder people are coming up with alternative energy sources. From energy to gasoline, there are manyRead MoreThe Alternative Source Of Energy1578 Words   |  7 PagesAlternative Source of Energy Over the past years, scientist began thinking deeper into the possibilities for energy that is renewable. They mostly looked into the sun as there number one source, the wind and other renewable options. Indeed, the sun for many years has provided heat for the earth whereby the energy it produces warms the earth directly and also indirectly. By so doing the heat makes water to evaporate lakes and other water sources like rivers and streams that eventually falls back toRead MoreEnergy Sources For Alternative Energy930 Words   |  4 Pagesto create diverse methods of generating powerful, dependable energy sources that do not have negative repercussions on our environment. Alternative energy refers to sources that do not create undesired consequences, such as fossil fuels do (Alternative Energy 2015). Not only are emissions from fossil fuels concerning, but also these resources are not going to be available for our use forever, making changes for alternative energy sources a pressing topic of discussion. British Petroleum and Royal

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